We are all one!
I can finally call You …

For years this word
Stirred fear and conflict in me
Sometimes even anger

Judgment, intolerance, ignorance
Tainted the innocence
Of letters and language

But words are not meaning
And You are

I sense you
In matter
And space between forms

Tonight I recognize you
In the early evening sky –
Your fingers are high clouds
Painting new shades of pink and red

You spring to life on the mountain ridge
In young grasses between the boulders
In the wide-eyes of the grazing deer
In a welcome song of rain
Kissing our parched earth

I whisper thanks for your beauty

And find you in the quiet
When thought

I am empty
And also full

You are part of me
And them
And us

A Trinity

By Emily Richards.

Have a nice day…

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